
Monochronic or Polychronic?

Monochronic culture is doing one things at a time. Tend to punctual. Time is money. Monochronic countries are USA, Germany, Japan etc. Polychronic culture is doing several things at a time. More flexible regarding schedule. Buisiness is a way of socializing. Polychronic countries are France, Africa, Latin America, etc.
My culture is Monochronic. I am too busy in studying, having 3 part-time jobs for going abroad, shopping, having dates, and so on. Sometimes, I go to school and then I go to Shibuya to have one of the part time job, as a tutor, and then go to Tokyo Tower to have part-time job, as a cafe staff at main observatory. After that I meet my friend to have dinner,l and then I study English and law at home. I have a lot of things to do, so I must save time, and try to get things done on schedule efficiently.
This is a very full life. But It's too busy. So, I want to do timeshifting, changing my rythem, slowing or accelerating. For example, sleeping for more than 8hours, watching DVD at home, walking in nature, taking bath for more than 1 hour, and cooking cake at home etc.

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